Managing Attention Deficits with Physical Activity

One afternoon, G2 was sitting down to do some Math homework. He seemed to be struggling with it, so I sat down with him to help him out. As we worked on it together, I also noticed he was yawning a lot and his eyes had a glazed over look to them. Realising the pointlessnessContinue reading “Managing Attention Deficits with Physical Activity”

Physical Activity – Get Moving for Lots of Benefits

Yeah, yeah, we know, we know. Physical activity and exercise is good for health and great for your brain. Exercise makes your smarter Physical activity predicts academic achievement Exercise builds brain connectivity Helps with building a better brain It’s the one thing you should do for your brain In fact, a study of 1.2 million people linksContinue reading “Physical Activity – Get Moving for Lots of Benefits”

How to Build a Better Brain with Exercise

If you want to build a better brain, you won’t go wrong with exercise. We’ve seen study after study on how the brain benefits from exercise: Sports and Physical Activity are Important for Brain Development and Academic Performance Exercise Makes You Smarter Physical activity is one of the most effective ways to enhance the brain “Exercise—especiallyContinue reading “How to Build a Better Brain with Exercise”

The Wheelie Experience

Breaking out of your comfort zone is never easy. It is especially challenging when you get too comfortable in your niche. Such was the case when we tried to encourage G2 to use the two-wheeled scooter instead of his old three-wheeler. He adamantly refused to try the two-wheeler until his Glider XL met with an untimely accident. G2 hadContinue reading “The Wheelie Experience”

Get Kids Moving with GoNoodle

There is a deep connection between the mind and the body and we have seen how movement of the body can influence the development of the brain: Movement is good for the brain If you only do one thing for your brain, it should be this… Physical activity and sports are important for brain development and academic performanceContinue reading “Get Kids Moving with GoNoodle”

Getting the Most Out of Your Brain Training

There are many ways to sharpen the brain and keep it finely honed – methods that have consistently proven time again through research to be effective. But let’s face it… in the rapid pace of life that we live in, it can be difficult to fit one or two of these activities in. Given the limited commodityContinue reading “Getting the Most Out of Your Brain Training”

Physical Activity Predicts Academic Achievement

Some time back, we wrote about the importance of sports and physical activity for brain development and academic performance. Recently, we reviewed a study from the British Journal of Sports Medicine – that was published after our previous article – which reinforces this fact. In light of our increasingly sedentary lifestyles in the age of the Internet,Continue reading “Physical Activity Predicts Academic Achievement”

How Rock Climbing Benefits Children

When I selected my top five activities for early childhood development, I chose swimming as the number one sport that all children should know because water safety saves lives and that’s something no other sport offers. However, if we were to look at what other sports offer, I believe that rock climbing is a sportContinue reading “How Rock Climbing Benefits Children”

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