How Rock Climbing Trains Your Child’s Brain

Perhaps I’m biased, but I’ve always felt that rock climbing is an enriching activity. It offers numerous benefits for the mind, the body, and character. Partly for those benefits, and partly because I just want someone in the family to share my passion, I had hoped one of my boys would pick it up. Unfortunately, I canContinue reading “How Rock Climbing Trains Your Child’s Brain”

Extra-Curricular Activities: Other Sports Activities – Rock Climbing and Martial Arts

See Also: Martial Arts and Self-Defense for Children How Rock Climbing Benefits Children Rock Climbing There are two that I looked at: Camp5 Madmonkeyz If you know how to climb, it is a simple matter of turning up at either of these places and teaching your child to climb. However, if you are interested inContinue reading “Extra-Curricular Activities: Other Sports Activities – Rock Climbing and Martial Arts”

How Rock Climbing Benefits Children

When I selected my top five activities for early childhood development, I chose swimming as the number one sport that all children should know because water safety saves lives and that’s something no other sport offers. However, if we were to look at what other sports offer, I believe that rock climbing is a sportContinue reading “How Rock Climbing Benefits Children”

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